Saturday, March 14, 2020

On Your Own Again (written 1985)

On Your Own Again
Alone, at last.

No more fights
No more screaming matches
Hateful looks (outbursts)
No sullen pouts
No one to challenge your decisions
Just one in charge . . . You

It=s what you wanted, isn=t it?

Responsibilities B
How to fix the broken lawnmower
Where IS that wrench?
And how do I charge that battery . . . again.

The car B but I just replaced the tires six weeks ago . . .
Align them, did you say?  Twenty-five Dollars, did you say?

The dryer won=t run
A new motor it needs.
And what=s that funny
  Clanging in the washing machine
Please, God, you fix it , indeed.

* * * * * * * * * *
To face the difficulties of life B alone.
To discover strengths you didn=t know you had.
To be content with what you have.
To stretch B and reach B and stretch again.

The path you=ve taken has it=s hills and valleys
Rock and gulleys. 
But the climb builds strength
And confidence that you can do
what needs to be done.

It=s what you needed, isn=t it?

Freedom B
To do what you want
When you want.
To drink that early morning cup of coffee
Without the TV chattering, bringing you
 unwanted news on timely topics

The lovely peace of sharing your morning
With nothing but the Shining Sun, the
 chirping birds, the rustle of the wind in the trees

Peace, at last.
It=s what you wanted, isn=t it.