Monday, August 13, 2012

A Lovely Day in the Neighborhood . . .

So, after running errands, I worked on my computer, as usual, til around 5 p.m. and then went out in the yard to plant and weed. Since my June surgery, doctor said, "no mowing" but nothing about planting and weeding. Yeay! I LOVE IT.

So then I took a shower and took Rocky for our evening walk. Then came in to eat dinner (8:30 now) and turned TV from Easy Listening. Flipping channels, there was another Doo Wop Special -- almost over.

I have been listening to these specials for years -- the music of my teens. Each time I flip the channels and find it on, I think I will not listen . . . this time. I've heard these songs over and over, afterall, and . . .

but THIS one -- Johnny Maestro singing one of my favorites –"Worst That Could Happen" – I've got to listen to THAT one . . . just for a minute . . .

And then I'm hooked once again. Instant memories of youth and fun and young love and dances and breaking up . . .and making up . . . and making out . . . and skating rinks and Friday night Sock Hops and . . .

Even Rocky sat there at the end of the couch -- looking and listening -- just like he does when I turn on Animal Planet.

So I guess I'm not so crazy, afterall . . . maybe.

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